perience of attending the Kennedy High prom as the girl I had become.

Still, I felt a little weird sitting in my long, pink dress while Chris applied my makeup. It seemed to take an eternity... even longer than the first time Kathy had done my face, back on Halloween. My facial skin had a healthy glow and my lips were painted seductively red and shaped like a heart. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes! Chris had made me more alluring and breath taking than I'd ever been... and the thought of my girlfriend loving me so much as to want me to look my feminine best on this occasion brought tears to my eyes.

"Don't start crying, Danni," she told me. "You'll make your eye makeup run!”

"I can't help it ... you're so understanding, and I love you so much," I choked out. "What girl would go to this much trouble when her boyfriend can't even take her to the prom?"

"Danni," she replied, taking my hand, "I want you to be the most attractive girl there because it's important that we maintain the masquerade of your being a female until we graduate. Besides, I know you're not gay and that you're only going with J.J. for appearance's sake. I love the thought of all those guys wanting you and I have you. After we're out of high school, who knows what direction our lives will take?"

I put my hand over hers. "If I decide to go back to being a boy?"

"I'll love you no matter what, Danni. But I hope you'll stay a girl, because I'm just not used to you any other way. Besides, it's going to be difficult for you to be a boy now that you're so used to feminine ways." She pointed at the front of my dress. "And anyway, boys don't fill out a bustline like you do," she giggled.

I had to laugh with her. "You know, you're right ... I'd probably make a TERRIBLE boy!"

"Didn't I say that to you once?" she gasped out between giggles.


I nodded. "In the ladies room at the movies." "That seems so long ago."

"It was."

"You've changed so much, yet so little ... as if changing from a boy to a girl was necessary for you to grow up." She kissed me lightly on the cheek. "I wouldn't trade you for any other boy." Then she giggled running her hand over the lace covering my prominences, "Not unless they had bigger boobs than you!"

I blushed deeply then said, "I guess I don't measure up to most people's idea of maleness. I'll try to be a man in the future for you."

Chris put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close and asked, "Danny, would you like to be a girl forever?"

No boy could ever admit to his girlfriend that he liked being a girl. I said, "Chris, I love you. I love the way we are."

"Well," she said, "Maybe I can help make you 100% woman in the future. Would you like that?"

My heart raced at the thought. I asked, "What do you mean?"

She smiled, "Oh, I have some ideas, will you do what I ask you to, no matter what?”

My heart throbbed, I asked, "What kind of ideas?"

She just smiled, "To begin with, let's let your hair grow down to the middle of your back. I've got a yellow and white flowered bikini that with...Oh just trust me..."

The prom was wonderful. Not only did J.J. turn out to be the perfect escort, I found myself proud to be seen walking through the lobby of the Rosemont Hotel on his arm, looking prettier than I ever had before. I felt natural walking with my swaying hips next to J.J. I even felt pride at having such a handsome date. J.J. even let me dance with some of the other guys, figuring that since we weren't going